comp: worlds 2020

Montreal Guide Part 2: Fun Recommendations from Lilah Fear and Gabb

Montreal Guide Part 2: Fun Recommendations from Lilah Fear and Gabb

Montreal is a wonderful city with so many fun activities, great food, and amazing views! Montreal is also the home to the ever so growing Ice Dance Academy (formerly known as Gadbois). In this article, we will be sharing some of the recommendations given to us by ice dancer Lilah Fear who trains in Montreal, and our resident ITL Montreal local Gabb!

Bonus: Worlds 2020 Montreal Guide feat. Lilah Fear - Transcript

Karly: I forgot about poutine. I need to try poutine when I'm at Worlds.

Lilah: You do. I have to admit something, on-air... it's kind of embarrassing. I haven't had poutine since living in Montreal. [Karly laughs.] Should I be fired?