comp: jgp courchevel 2019

Episode 34: JGP Courchevel and Lake Placid - Transcript

Evie: So guys, guess what? The season started properly! Woohoo, children! I'm just so glad we finally have some competitions to watch.

Niamh: Worlds feels like yesterday!

Evie: It really does. This off season, I don't know if it was just that our perception of time has shifted or something weird is going on in the universe, but it just feels like it's breezed by so freaking quickly. It's so weird that we're now two whole competitions into the season.

Niamh: Yeah, there wasn't the same space of time with no content.

Evie: But yes, we've had the start of the Junior Grand Prix and lots of kids have returned to us, and we've got lots of new kids.

Yogeeta: All the kids.