Episode 55: World Championships 2021: Ice Dance and Ladies - Transcript

Kite: I just want to confess that I wasn't even supposed to be on this episode until I watched the Ladies event and then I was like "No, I just have too much rage and I need to get it out in a public forum." So here I am.

Evie: Here you are!

Yogeeta: Here you are. We welcome you greatly.

Episode 54: World Championships 2021: Pairs and Men - Transcript

Kite: And he couldn't go to the gym obviously so he was using chainsaws as weights-

Evie: and car batteries. Chainsaws and car batteries.

Kite: Never change, Keegan. Also, Keegan in a cowboy hat with that giant Canadian flag during the dance event was probably like the best thing that happened this weekend.

Episode 53: 20/21 National Championships and COVID-19 - Transcript

Kite: This is an episode about the four big national [championships] - Russian, Japanese, US, and Canadian. We're going to be focusing on the Russian and Japanese Nationals in particular but we are not going to be following our usual format of discussing the performances and the results and instead, we're going to be devoting this episode to assessing how these events coped with the COVID restrictions and the impact their actions, or inaction had on the skaters and the rest of the season.

Episode 52: COVID-19 and the 20/21 Season (featuring interview with Tim Koleto) - Transcript

Kat: Becs, I don't know about how you but I have really not watched a lot of figure skating at all this season.

Becs: I think this is the least figure skating I've watched in like a decade, almost. Granted there hasn't been as much, but even considering I didn't watch a single program until Cup of China, that's like a solid 8 months that I didn't watch figure skating.

Episode 51: 20/21 Grand Prix Series and the Pandemic - Transcript

Yogeeta: What on earth is going on?

Lae: One of the weirdest offseasons we've ever experienced and that, obviously, is due to COVID but also just due to the way that the figure skating world has gone about addressing it - which is to say, not at all but also kind of.

Interview: Javier Raya of Skate Proud - Transcript

Clara: Let's get silly, who would your dream same-sex pairs team be?

Javier: Oh, girl. That's kind of funny, I don't know. I could tell you one of my good skating friends, but I'll keep it to when it's possible.

Clara: Okay, okay. [Both laugh.]

Montreal Guide Part 2: Fun Recommendations from Lilah Fear and Gabb

Montreal Guide Part 2: Fun Recommendations from Lilah Fear and Gabb

Montreal is a wonderful city with so many fun activities, great food, and amazing views! Montreal is also the home to the ever so growing Ice Dance Academy (formerly known as Gadbois). In this article, we will be sharing some of the recommendations given to us by ice dancer Lilah Fear who trains in Montreal, and our resident ITL Montreal local Gabb!

Bonus: Worlds 2020 Montreal Guide feat. Lilah Fear - Transcript

Karly: I forgot about poutine. I need to try poutine when I'm at Worlds.

Lilah: You do. I have to admit something, on-air... it's kind of embarrassing. I haven't had poutine since living in Montreal. [Karly laughs.] Should I be fired?

Episode 49: Four Continents 2020 - Transcript

Kat: When I saw this fluff piece or something, and she was talking about how like Yuna would give her tips on training or would help her and like talk to her because she's like one of her idols and it just really felt like a full-circle moment. This was like, I don't know how many years ago now, but it was really, really nice to see because Young is Yuna's legacy. It's the impact that she had on ladies’ figure skating in Korea.